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Systemic vasculitides are challenging multisystem disorders. Wide spectrum of clinical presentations, better understanding of pathogenesis, and rapid advances in management in recent times often necessitate a single desktop reference while managing these disorders. “Textbook of Systemic Vasculitis” edited by Dr. Aman Sharma, Associate Professor of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, PGIMER, Chandigarh, fulfills the void experienced by Physicians, Rheumatologists, and Nephrologists. The book has contributions from International and National Leaders and opinion makers in the field.
The chapters on renal pathology and renal manifestations of vasculitides would be of special interest to the nephrology fraternity, but the key strengths of this book are the comprehensive coverage of vasculitides written in a lucid manner. Book covers the detailed description of epidemiology, genetics, classification, anti-neutrophil cytoplasm autoantibodies, pathogenesis and approach to diagnosis, and description of individual vasculitic syndromes. The understanding of vasculitis can never be complete without the knowledge of pathology, and hence, a special emphasis has been laid down on the details of pathological changes with chapters on skin, nerves and brain, lungs, and kidney pathology. These sections contain innumerable illustrative microphotographs of various pathological changes in different organs and would be of interest to both the Clinicians and Pathologists. Imaging modalities have assumed a significant role in diagnosing and assessing disease activity. These are also covered in detail. Newer therapies have been shown great promise in the management of these disorders, thus, newer and future modalities have been discussed in this section by Prof. David Jayne, Cambridge. The last section deals with the individual vasculitic syndromes.
The book is a great compilation of updated information on the subject; a must read for the Nephrologist and a reference book for the Physicians.
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